What do we believe?

Sunday by Sunday and during the week we explore, with anyone who will listen, the good news that God saves and restores sinners through Jesus Christ. We are grateful to God for not giving up on us, and for his kindness in rescuing and remaking us. We know that we are very much a work in progress, with a long way to go!

How can I become a Christian?  You could follow this link to find out.

Our faith is focussed on Jesus Christ, we worship the Lord Jesus as God, we seek to serve him as our leader and Lord, we are grateful to him for giving himself in our place on the cross.  We are keen to know more of his love, and to enjoy his forgiveness, and to follow and serve him today.

We long for more of our friends, and family members, our colleagues and neighbours, to discover the love of God in their lives, through Jesus.  We are glad to work hard to provide straightforward opportunities for other people to encounter Jesus Christ for themselves.

We are grateful for God’s kindness to us, as our Creator, in giving us life and breath, and so much else that makes us glad.  We long for God’s world, and for our community, to know and appreciate more of God’s glory.

We are keen to understand as fully as possible God’s plan and purpose for his creation, and for his creatures, and to find our place in God’s will for the world.

We are thankful that God is a speaking God, who has arranged for his word to be written down for us, and who speaks to us today, as we meet together, and as his Spirit teaches and helps us.

We are eager to serve one another, in the name of the Lord Jesus, as well as giving ourselves to those close at hand and further away who are in need of practical Christian care and concern.

If you want to find out more:

  • you could always join us on a Sunday
  • or get in touch so that we can come to you